Prenatal Training Doll

About Us

Safety Training Dolls: About Us

Huggable Images started working with the Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office (formerly Kansas Safety Belt Education Office) in 2006 to create a custom plush “Booster Rooster” finger puppet for their booster seat program. Kansas was delighted with their custom plush rooster, but asked us if we could help them improve Child Passenger Safety in Kansas by creating inexpensive, life sized, training dolls to be used in the teaching of car seat and seat belt safety.

After a year of prototyping and testing the first set of training dolls were put into actual training scenarios. Kansas was thrilled with the results and explained that programs like theirs throughout the world were in great need of a training aid such as these training dolls.

We currently have 8 different life-sized training dolls: a preemie, infant, 6 month-old, 16 month-old, 3 year-old, 6 year old. 8-12 year old and a Prenatal training doll. We are proud to be a part of helping to save children’s lives throughout the US and abroad.
